All the DENIX replica hand guns below are metal with cock & click function. Some have wood grips and removable magazines

9 mm PO8 German Luger. Standard,
Marine & Artillery barrel length available.
Checkered wood or black grips
$ 239.00 PLUS POST
COLT .45 cal 1911.
Available with checkered wood grips or black
$ 249.00 PLUS POST
9mm Browning Hi Power Pistol and Webley Revolver
$ 249.00 PLUS POST

Colt Navy Pocket Revolver
$ 239.00 PLUS POST
Soviet Makarov Pistol
$ 239.00 PLUS POST
Colt 1851 Cap and Ball Revolver
$ 239.00 PLUS POST

Smith & Wesson 1869
$ 249.00 PLUS POST
Colt Navy 1881
$ 239.00 PLUS POST
Colt Peacemaker .45 cal
$ 239.00 PLUS POST

Colt .45 Buntline Revolvers …. Nickel, black and
dual metal tone available
$ 249.00 PLUS POST
Broom Handle Mauser
wood grips
$ 249.00 PLUS POST

FP-45 Liberator Resistance / Survival Pistol replica
Solid resin with steel trigger guard – EXCELLENT display piece.
$ 85.00 plus $ 10.00 Post ( INERT .45 cal round NOT included )
This is replica needs no license in Queensland, SA and WA other states
require license / permit