IMPORTANT NOTICE !!!!! Replica Machine Guns and Sub Machine guns in Queensland are Category R Firearms, must be registered to a current Collectors License ( Weapons) and stored accordingly. These replica firearms if NOT painted the correct colour ( as in grey/ blue/ red etc ) are not required to be licensed …however once bought painting them realistically makes them a Category R firearm immediately thereby requiring them to be inspected by a Licensed Queensland Armourer and registered to a collectors license with a Form 31 and Permit To Acquire . These replica firearms are sold in grey colour.

CZ ZB 26 Machine Gun replica. Resin modified bren gun receiver, resin magazine, metal rear sight, butt plate with hinged shoulder rest, turned aluminium barrel with metal replica flash hider and real Bren gun bipod and carry handle.
Used by Alled and AXIS Forces during WW2
$ 1350.00 plus post SOLD in Grey Colour only

M1919A4 Browning 30 cal MG replica

Replica F1 Sub Machine Gun
Scratch built replica Australian 9mm F1 SMG. Real SLR butt plate, resin butt and pistol grip, resin magazine ( removable), hollow PVC tube receiver , folding rear sight , nomenclacture stamped into trigger housing, SLR bayonet will attach for display can choose a manufacture date … $ 950.00 * Note sent in grey colour

Scratch built replica Australian 9mm F1 SMG. Real SLR butt plate, resin butt and pistol grip, resin magazine ( removable), hollow PVC tube receiver , folding rear sight , nomenclacture stamped into trigger housing, SLR bayonet will attach for display can choose a manufacture date … $ 950.00 * ea plus post *NOTE – SUPPLIED Grey Color ONLY. NO LICENSE REQUIRED IN QUEENSLAND.